Wedding Anniversary Messages for Husband

  1. I am the tea bag and you are my cup of hot water. Being drenched in you brings out the best in me. Happy anniversary.
  2. My life revolves around yours to the extent that your smile brings sunrise, tears bring thunderstorms and laughter brings rainbows. Happy anniversary.
  3. Our marriage may have been a bumpy ride with many speed breakers, but that is what has made us circumvent those obstacles and fly high in the sky. Happy anniversary.
  4. I love you for what you are but I love you more for how you make me feel when I am with you. Happy anniversary.
  5. Amongst the million unresolved questions about the reasons of human existence, I’ve got the answer to mine – a husband like you. Happy anniversary.
  6. Our anniversary is not a celebration of our wedding day. It is the celebration of every day of being married to a man like you. Happy anniversary.
  7. It doesn’t matter whether we always agree or disagree. What matters is that I love you and you love me. Happy anniversary.
  8. Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration, but our marriage is a timeless one. Happy anniversary.
  9. The harsh realities of everyday life, bitterness of failure at work and regrets of the past – all these things become bearable just because I have a husband like you. Happy anniversary.
  10. Biology says that a man is different at forty than what he is at fifteen. But you have proved that wrong by as romantic and charming as when you were a teenager. Happy anniversary.
  11. Like the sun is to a blooming flower, hummingbird is to the hibiscus and moth is to a flame, we are to each other – inseparable. Happy anniversary.
  12. From an alarm in clock that wakes me up for yet another bright day in life to a sweet bedtime melody that puts me to rest after an accomplished day – you are my everything. Happy anniversary.
  13. I am glad our marriage has not been a plane to fly in or a car to breeze through the roads in, but a journey that we have walked hand in hand all our lives in. Happy anniversary.
  14. The definition of a fun marriage doesn’t include relaxing holidays, cozy weekends or beautiful homes. It includes a husband like you who makes holidays relaxing, weekends cozy and a home beautiful. Happy anniversary.
  15. The only reason I chose a simple wedding ceremony was because I knew that the grandeur of our married life was going to make up for it. Happy anniversary to the best husband ever.
  16. Just hold me tight and kiss me, because I want to go back to the moment when I first realized that we were made for each other. I love you, happy anniversary.
  17. Happy anniversary to the father of my children and the wings to my dreams. I love you.
  18. We are just different players in the game of life. But together we make a team that hits a home run with all the balls the life throws at us. Happy anniversary.
  19. My heart was forever stolen on the day we got married but the only thing different in this robbery is that I knew the robber. I knew he would take good care of it… forever and ever. Happy anniversary, to my handsome thief.
  20. As we grow older, every wrinkle signifies a beautiful memory that we have shared together as husband and wife. Happy anniversary.
  21. Our anniversary celebration does not have the colorfulness of piñatas, grandeur of fireworks or the thump of loud music. But it has the colorfulness of our memories, grandeur of our love and thump of our hearts beating for each other forever. Happy anniversary.
  22. Do you know what it is that will always sparkle brighter than the diamond in my wedding ring? My eyes, every time I see you. Happy anniversary.
  23. I bring madness to our marriage, but you balance it with sanity. I bring cuteness to our marriage, while you smear it with elegance. I bring smiles to our marriage and you enhance it with eternal joy. Happy wedding anniversary.
  24. No photo frame in this world is big enough to fit the beautiful memories of our marriage. Happy anniversary darling.
  25. Women generally enjoy a honeymoon once in their lives, I enjoy it every day – all because of a husband like you. Happy anniversary darling.
  26. Every day spent with you is like a FOREVER in my life and every day spent without you is like a NEVER. Happy anniversary.
  27. You are not just a husband, you are an inventor. You have re-invented the meaning of the words Romance and Love ever since the day we got married. Thank you for making life so much more beautiful. Happy anniversary.
  28. I was a simple girl who wished for beautiful wedding ceremony. But you changed my life by giving me that as well as a blissful marriage. Happy anniversary.
  29. Nothing and no one in this world is perfect except our marriage, because even the imperfections seem perfectly romantic. I love you, happy anniversary.
  30. I don’t want our lives to be quoted as an example of the perfect marriage, but as the coolest adventure ride that two people ever took. Happy anniversary.
  31. Our marriage has never been a puzzle to assemble, but an empty canvas to paint with beautiful colors. Happy anniversary.
  32. Like the fizz in our champagne glass, may our marriage always bubble with happiness, joy and eternal bliss. Happy anniversary.
  33. Just like how the blend of two colors makes a new shade, the blend of values like loyalty and understanding has made a beautiful marriage like ours. Happy anniversary.
  34. If raising a toast to life, having fun and being romantic is what takes for an anniversary celebration, I have been celebrating every single day of my life with my husband. Happy anniversary.
  35. Even though I have a million imperfections, you’ve always made me feel perfect. Even though I have a thousand flaws, you have always made me feel flawless. Even though I’ve made hundreds of mistakes, you have always made me feel the best. Happy anniversary.

Wedding Anniversary Messages for Wife

  1. You are the seat belt in the roller coaster ride of my life because you keep me calm through all the highs and lows, twist and turns. Happy anniversary.
  2. Although this anniversary is a small step in our life’s journey, it is a beautiful moment which is a part of our love’s perfect destiny. Happy anniversary.
  3. Our anniversary is not just a date… it signifies that we are both lucky to have such a beautiful fate. Happy anniversary.
  4. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to discover that a beautiful wife with a beautiful heart equals a beautiful life. Happy anniversary.
  5. If a genie appeared in front of me it would be a complete waste… because with you by my side, I already have everything I could ever ask for. Happy anniversary.
  6. Our marriage is like a haiku poem – seemingly simple but profound upon reflection. Happy anniversary.
  7. I want our anniversary celebration to be grand because you make our lives grand every single day. Happy anniversary.
  8. You are the foundation on which the tower of my professional success rests. Happy anniversary to my wife, thanks for all your support.
  9. Our life as a couple is like a set of lock and key which can’t work without each other. Happy anniversary.
  10. The symbolic meaning of our anniversary, is that you and I were meant to be. I love you, happy anniversary baby.
  11. Romantic quote to say happy anniversary to wife
  12. I think I am blind to all of life’s problems because you have opened my eyes to all of life’s beauty. Happy anniversary.
  13. Happy anniversary… to the reason behind my happiness, the reason for my success, the reason for all my smiles, the reason our marriage has lasted many a mile. I love you.
  14. You are the kind of wife who puts self-help books about marriage and compatibility to shame. Happy anniversary.
  15. When I proposed to you, I gave you a ring. When you said Yes, you gave my life wings. Happy anniversary.
  16. Every day when we fight and argue, I may have a thousand reasons to be angry at you… but I want you to remember that I have a million reasons to love you too. Happy anniversary.
  17. You are the Good in my Good Morning, Happy in my Happy Birthday and Love in my I Love You. Happy anniversary to the woman who is the essence of my life.
  18. Some husbands dedicate songs, some dedicate a Facebook page and some dedicate a gift to their wives on a wedding anniversary. I have kept it simple and dedicated my whole life to you, sweetheart. Happy anniversary.
  19. You are the answer to my life’s questions, you are the destination of my life’s journey. You are the solution to my life’s problems, you are the crux of my life’s destiny. Happy anniversary.
  20. It doesn’t matter whether we always agree or disagree. What matters is that I love you and you love me. Happy anniversary.
  21. A Beautiful rose for a Beautiful woman who is my Beautiful wife and has given me a Beautiful life. Happy anniversary.
  22. Rewinding and going back to the happy memories of our marriage inspires me to fast forward and dream about the amazing future that lies ahead. Happy anniversary.
  23. All my dreams is about making yours come true. Happy anniversary.
  24. I searched all the dictionaries to find the meaning of life but I found nothing. But when we got married and I looked into your eyes, I found everything. Happy anniversary.
  25. All these years of marriage have been like a beautiful long dream without an annoying alarm clock to wake me up. Happy anniversary.
  26. Our anniversary is a celebration of the mistakes we made in the past, memories we are making in the present and happiness we will see in the future. Happy anniversary.
  27. For me the glass is always half full and for you, it is always half empty. But this exactly what makes us perfectly complementary. Happy anniversary.
  28. In times of happiness or trouble, whether I find gold or rubble, I know that you will always stand by me… and never burst our happy bubble. Happy anniversary.
  29. Nothing can stop our anniversary from being happy, as long as I am your hubby and you are my wifey. I love you.
  30. It doesn’t matter whether it is our first, fifth, tenth or fifteenth marriage anniversary. What matters is that I will always love you and you will always love me. Happy anniversary darling.
  31. Even though we have been married just for a few years, you can read my mind as if you have known me for a lifetime. Happy anniversary, I love you.
  32. My anniversary gift to you looks insignificant in front of the awesome gift of a wonderful marriage and a happy family that you have given me. Happy anniversary.
  33. I don’t know where I would be, if you hadn’t supported me. A dead end is where my life would come to, if it weren’t for you. Today, as we celebrate our anniversary, I just want to say thanks for everything baby.
  34. Let me hold you tight, with all my might. Let’s celebrate the day that we wed, and think of the good times that lie ahead. Happy anniversary.
  35. #happiness, #love and #romance are the only three things trending permanently in our married lives. Happy anniversary.
  36. This day is a reminder of the best decision of my life – to propose to, and get married to the world’s most beautiful woman. Happy anniversary.
  37. You are the oil in the machinery of my life. Without you, I would corrode and rust. Happy anniversary.
  38. I hope I have been the kind of husband that an amazing woman like you deserves. Happy anniversary sweetheart.
  39. Life can’t get any better – I tend to overuse this phrase because my life keeps getting better with you with every passing day. Happy anniversary.
  40. You have helped me find the right answers to every difficult question that life has ever asked. Happy anniversary.
  41. Our house would never have become a home without you. Our kids would never have understood the meaning of family without you. I would have never experienced love without you. As you can see…my universe is incomplete without you. Happy anniversary.

Wedding Anniversary Messages for Friends

  1. No one in the world would understand you, In the best way you each other do!!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  2. You guys are the most beautiful couple I have known, Whose love is seen and need not be shown!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

  3. From best buddies you turned to spouse, And made a home out of a house!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  4. No words can describe my wishes for you two, Which comes from the heart that’s true!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

  5. For your anniversary here is the best symphony, Which imitates the best part in you, which is harmony!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  6. With your love, may each other you soothe, And may your marriage be happy and smooth!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  7. Anniversary day should be celebrated with fun and joy, And forever many wishes you should deploy!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  8. Kiss of love and a hug of care, May this relation you always share!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  9. Hold your hands and take a vow, That you’ll always be there for each other just like you have been till now!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  10. May your love story never have an end, Wish you a happy anniversary my Friend!!!

  11. You fall in love with each other, every time, May the milestones of your relation you climb!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  12. May your love for each other grow and grow, And how strong is your relation, to the world you may show!!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  13. May your marriage bloom like a flower every year, May there be only laughter and no tear!!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  14. It looks like married life agrees with you, And I wish the best for both of you!!! Thanks for being my friends!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

  15. Your marriage is the most wonderful, Nothing than this can be more beautiful!!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  16. May the melody of your anniversary be played by Xylophone, But still it won’t be sweeter than, for each other is your tone!!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  17. I told you on your wedding day and now I repeat, You are a kind of couple whom no one can beat!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

  18. Great wishes on your anniversary, My Friend, Hope you are happily married till the world ends!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  19. As pure as diamond may your relation be, Till the time on Earth lasts, the sea!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

  20. May the love between you, bring lots of joy, And may that happiness no one can destroy!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Happy Wedding Anniversary Messages

  1. Parties, dinners and get-togethers – we have many selfish reasons to gather and wish you both a great marriage ahead. Happy anniversary.
  2. The bond of a marriage can take various forms, depending on whether life is imitating calm or storms. Sometimes in can be a beautiful knot, sometimes it can be a fragile cord. Regardless of what it is, I hope your lives overflow with bliss. Happy anniversary.
  3. For some people, a perfect marriage is a myth, fairytale, legend, fable or false hope. But for me, it is a real thing which exists between you both. Happy anniversary.
  4. Your dreams, ambitions and hopes for the future may not be always the same. But the beauty of your marriage is that you both live to make each others’ dreams come true. Happy anniversary to a perfect couple.
  5. Even after so many years of living together, you both haven’t got tired of each other. Here’s wishing that you stay like this forever. Happy anniversary.
  6. Even amidst difficult times, tough situations and harsh circumstances, you have proved that a happy marriage can sail you through any storm of life. Happy anniversary.
  7. Happy anniversary to a couple who has made their marriage as perfect as it is made out to be in romantic books and movies.
  8. In the Waltz of Life, you have proved to be the perfect dancing partners for each other and forever. Happy anniversary.
  9. More than the pop of balloons, flash of lights and shower of confetti – may the sounds of laughter, flashes of smiles and showers of happiness mark your anniversary.
  10. If your love story was made into a movie, it would give The Notebook a run for its money. Happy wedding anniversary.
  11. Most married couples hear each other’s words, you listen to each other’s heartbeats. Most of them admire each other’s looks, you compliment each other’s soul. Most of them commit to each other’s lives, you have committed to each other’s dreams. Happy anniversary to an awesome couple.
  12. The first few years of marriage are likely to be the best. It is only later that life becomes a test. But the love between you both makes you better that the rest. Happy anniversary and good luck.
  13. Looking at divorced couples make me feel that marriages are ephemeral. But you both have proved that marriages are truly eternal. Happy anniversary.
  14. One of the best memories of a couple is not just the magic of their first kiss but the magic they create every time they kiss for the rest of their lives. Happy anniversary.
  15. The wrinkles on your faces are not signs of how much you have aged, but how beautifully your marriage has survived the test of time. Happy anniversary.
  16. Not a long journey, your marriage is an adventure. Not a love story, your marriage is an epic tale of romance. Not a happy ending, your marriage is a blissful loop of sweet memories. Happy wedding anniversary.
  17. Like wine, marriage can be sweet or bitter, intense or mellow, flat or acidic. But a couple like you enjoys all its flavors, whether dull or romantic. Happy anniversary.
  18. A romantic journey, thrilling ride, fun adventure, amazing voyage, beautiful expedition, memorable escapade, heavenly trip – if this is the definition of your marriage and the path to your destiny. Happy anniversary.
  19. Every year, your anniversary makes me anxious, insecure, nervous and stressed because it adds to the pressure of finding the perfect match – just like you both did. Happy anniversary.
  20. You don’t need to wait for your 10th, 20th or 25th anniversary to celebrate a milestone in your life. Every anniversary of yours is a special milestone. Happy anniversary.
  21. As an old couple your legs may have become wobbly and beautiful wrinkles may adorn your lovely faces, but your love for each other never seems fade regardless of life’s phases. Happy anniversary.
  22. Your anniversary is a milestone where you can pause and look back at your life to cherish all the beautiful memories and bind yourselves to all the wonderful promises that are yet to be fulfilled. Happy anniversary.
  23. May the sunshine of happiness always break out from the clouds of misunderstandings to form a rainbow of love in your timeless marriage. Happy anniversary.
  24. Your family name too should end with EST because it comes after every word I use to describe you as a couple – happiEST, coolEST, hottEST and the very bEST. Happy anniversary.
  25. The echo of your love and the sound of the sea have a few things in common – they are both constant and eternal. Happy anniversary.
  26. The sweetest of anniversaries are a result of getting through the most bitter of all moments of life – hand in hand and heart to heart. Happy anniversary.
  27. Some marriages are a cocktail of different emotions, feelings and experiences. Yours is straight and on the rocks – 100% pure and undiluted love. Happy anniversary.
  28. Sometimes your marriage is slow like Waltz, sometimes it is peppy like Salsa, sometimes it is hot like Tango and sometimes it is soulful like Jazz – cheers to the couple who can dance to any rhythm of life. Happy anniversary.
  29. No one and nothing in this world is perfect, but the two of you are as close as it gets. Happy anniversary.
  30. For some couples, being perfect means being flawless. But for a beautiful one like you, being perfect means accepting each other’s flaws. Happy anniversary.
  31. Your anniversary should have been a monthly and not a weekly affair, for having just one day in a year is just not enough to show each other how much you care. Happy anniversary.
  32. Best friends in love – that fact that you don’t behave like a typical husband-wife makes your marriage perfect. Happy anniversary.
  33. Wishing a very happy wedding anniversary to a lovely couple.

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